Note: At the moment Beachbody is not selling their portion fix, I havfoundnd another great set that you can find here at
A wise man once told me that you have to do something 21 days straight for it become a habit. Well he was right…21 days is all you need to succeed. By using the 21 Day Fix containers, your fitness goal will become a habit Whether you desire to lose weight, gain weight or maintain weight., portion control is essential. The 21 Day Fix containers is tailor made to help you achieve your desired fitness goal. I only recommend the official portion control containers by Beachbody because they are the only ones with the exact sizes as defined on the 21-day fix eating plan.
The Portion Fix Eating Guide by Beachbody
One thing we all need at one point in life is guidance. Heck, that’s why you’re reading this for: To get guidance on eating properly (or proportionally) in 21 days. Well the The Portion Fix Eating Guide by Beachbody does just that. This product is my first recommendation because it provides all the 21 day fix eating guide instructions along with seven color-coded portion control containers and a shaker cup. The eating guide demonstrates how to correctly utilize the containers and shaker cup to fulfill your fitness needs.
Like most people, weight loss may be the reason you’re looking at this product. Well I am here to tell you that this product does the job. Just look at most of the Amazon reviews. The Portion Fix Eating Guide helped keep one person’s carb intake in check while assisting another lose her last stubborn 10lb in only three weeks. By investing in and following the guide, you are setting yourself up for máximum success within 21 days. Available on .
Portion Control 7 Piece Container Kit by Beachbody
Maybe you already know how to exercise portion control but need some portion control containers. If you’re only looking for quality portion control containers (i.e., you don’t need an eating guide), Portion Control 7 Piece Container Kit by Beachbody is your best choice. These containers can be used in conjunction with the 21 Day Fix program. This product comes with seven color-coded containers in which aids you in precisely measuring out food portions; hence, you will never eat too much or too little.
What is the best method to getting a lean, tight physique? Besides following a quality workout routine, the number one way is this: STOP COUNTING CALORIES. People sabotage their weight loss efforts everyday due to calorie counting. You may count calories great at first but you will eventually fail. Why? Because it is darn near impossible to account for every calorie you consume. Besides, counting calories is too tedious and takes away from the enjoyment of eating. By using the Portion Control 7 Piece Container Kit by Beachbody, you take the guesswork out of eating. Each container corresponds to an essential food and macronutrient group, and is sized to deliver just the right amount of food to help you always get your best results. So if you’re ready to take your physique to the next level in 21 days, I highly recommend that you get these containers. Available on .

46 Recipes (Breakfast, Snacks, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert, and Meal Shakes)
All recipes are 21 Day Fix Approved including 21-Day Fix Containers information
Includes Shakeology Alternatives and 6 Meal Shakes recipes
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