A Closer Look at 21-Day Fix Extreme
If you were a fan of Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix from BeachBody, then it only stands to reason that you got excited when news of 21 Day Fix Extreme, available at Amazon.com, began to hit the mainstream. The original 21 Day Fix program is one of the biggest successes to hit the fitness and nutrition world in a long time and with good reason. People from all walks of life were experiencing incredible results and meeting long-time goals like gangbusters.
That said, we weren’t surprised when the system got an upgrade for 2015 in the form of the very buzzworthy 21 Day Fix Extreme. Let’s take a closer look at what the newest program in the Beachbody family brings to the table, as well as discuss how it differs from the original 21 Day Fix, my 21 day fix guide here, you’re already very familiar with.
My 21 Day fix Extreme Review
I recently lost 15 pounds by following this program and let me tell you something. It really changed how I approach eating right and working out for the better. I promise it will do the same for you, no matter how much trouble you’ve had sticking to similar programs in the past… read my before and after 21 day fix extreme review.
Those Colorful Little Containers
The 21 Day Fix Extreme program operates via many of the same concepts you’re no doubt familiar with from the original program. For instance, you’ll still be using the same handy color-coordinated containers to properly portion what you consume from various food groups. In fact, a typical 21 Day Fix Extreme food allotment will look almost exactly like what you’re used to.
Note: You can buy separately the 21 day fix container’s kit, called the BeachBody’s portion fix, available at Amazon.com.
What’s different is what you’re actually allowed to put into those containers. The original 21 Day Fix operated via an “if it fits, it sits” mentality. However, 21 Day Fix Extreme, is a little more exacting. For the newer program, Autumn has removed all of the semi-questionable options that were allowable before. There are also no treats allowed. This is for those that are serious about losing weight and getting in shape only.
No more unclean foods are permitted. No more high-fat or high-sodium options either. In short, the new program has been fully revamped to emphasize clean food choices and optimal nutrition to an even greater degree than the original program did. Also, users can choose from two options when they sign up – the standard extreme program of the “Countdown to Competition” plan, specially optimized for those seeking a more defined, shredded look.
Enhanced Workouts for Serious Goal-Setting
The original 21 Day Fix did an excellent job of providing access to fast, effective workouts that really delivered results. However, the workouts included with 21 Day Fix Extreme are even better focused and better able to help you meet your goals. In other words, they really are “extreme”!
With this program, you’ll be getting a head-to-toe workout every day and then some. You’ll be doing upper body exercises, lower body exercises, PIyo, Pilates, cardio, and Dirty 30. However, you’ll be doing all of these with the addition of weights to maximize your results. The weights will help you make sure that your muscles are fully engaged a whopping 90% of the time to the tune of incredible results, the likes of which you’ve never seen.
That said, if you really liked the original 21 Day Fix but would have liked to take things to the next level and get a little more serious/no-nonsense about things, then this program was made with you in mind.
Is the 21 Day Fix Extreme Plan Right for You?
If you’re searching for a quick-fix fitness plan which is designed to turn your already-fit body into the most beautiful body that it can possibly be, you’ll benefit from discovering 21 Day Fit Extreme, designed by Beachbody.
This exceptional fitness plan comes with workouts which offer enough variety and scope to keep you motivated and these challenging workouts are available in convenient DVD format. Meant to get you “ripped and shredded” in amazingly short order, this plan gets rave reviews from real-life users.
In addition, this extreme fitness plan, which sparks very dramatic improvements in just three short weeks, features helpful and sensible meal plan information, as well as plastic containers which will help you to prepare perfect portion sizes at every single meal. Portion control (along with regular exercise) is the key to predictable weight loss!
This program is extreme because it safely shocks the body into becoming toned, lean and mean! It’s not a long-term fitness/diet plan, although you will probably want to keep using these fitness and diet tips forever! Instead, this program is meant to offer tangible results which promote personal fulfillment via total body confidence, without taking months to complete!
Created by gorgeous fitness and nutrition expert, Autumn Calabrese, this program is another branch of Calabrese’s respected and trusted 21 Day Fix fitness and meal plan “empire”!
Now that you know the basics, let’s discuss exactly what this program has to offer. Once you’ve learned how it all works, you may just be tempted to order the program online. You may do this via Amazon.com!
21 Day Fix Extreme Meal Plan Facts
This meal plan is very organized and simple to understand. When you order the 21 Day Fix Extreme program today, you’ll receive a handy and practical Eating Plan booklet which takes the guesswork out of how to get hard and look your hottest! Calabrese relies on this eating plan in order to prepare for photo shoots and fitness competitions, so she knows that it really works wonders.
In addition to the Eating Plan booklet, this nutrition segment of the program features an array of containers which are designed to hold specific types of foods, from proteins to veggies and beyond. Each plastic container is color-coded, so you’ll never get confused! Designed to promote perfect portions, these plastic containers are one of the secrets of the 21 Day Fix Extreme program’s incredible success.
When you order today at the official site, you’ll also receive a Shakeology cup, looking for a shakeology alternative ? read this, which makes it so simple to enjoy delicious drinks at home or while you’re on the go!
The program’s eating plan is designed to take the junk out your diet. It’s a clean approach to nutrition. Yes, you will need to sacrifice certain foods which don’t promote a honed and ripped body! However, you shouldn’t feel deprived. In other words, you’ll be able to eat adequate portions of good, healthy food!
Cleaning up your diet will be very beneficial to your good health, so you may find that following this meal plan closely is the key to unlocking lots of energy and vitality. While it may take a little time to adjust to the plan, you’ll find that its simple instructions and helpful containers make the learning curve extremely short!
Now that you have a handle on the meal plan portion of the program, let’s talk about another important facet of the 21 Day Fix Extreme program, and that’s the awesome results that you are going to get if you follow the program carefully!

21 Day Fix Extreme Results
Some 21 Day Fix Extreme users experience dramatic improvements which are practically life-changing. For example, one woman whose results lost an incredible eleven inches while following this three-week program.
If you’re carrying more weight than you would like and you’d prefer to look sleek, sexy and fit, you’ll find that embracing this safe and healthy diet and fitness plan is the key to looking better in your clothes…and out of your clothes!
While results will vary, those who do follow the program’s instructions by doing the workouts as directed and following the meal plan (no cheating allowed!) do access superior results. Everyone’s body is different – however, this program is designed to break through even the most stubborn diet and fitness plateaus.
This program is about losing weight fast and toning your body. It’s designed to give you the “hard body” look which is so prized in our culture. If you want this type of beach body and you’re tired of being disappointed by subpar diet/fitness plans which just aren’t extreme enough to get your body in perfect condition, this program is exactly what you’ve been searching for.
It won’t be easy. You’ll need to sweat and you’ll need to challenge yourself. However, you will be thrilled with the way that your body changes for the better in just three weeks.
Now, let’s talk about the availability of this program by discussing its release date and other relevant information.
FIXATE Cookbook by Autumn Calabrese
There are many benefits that everyone will enjoy about the FIXATE recipes in the FIXATE cookbook by Autumn Calabrese. You will find recipes for just about every dietary preference, including Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, and Paleo. You will also find dessert recipes that fit into these dietary preferences as well. Even kids enjoy the recipes in this cookbook, as Autumn has tested each of these recipes on her young son. This book will not only teach people how to eat deliciously healthy foods, but enjoy proper proportions while using any diet program out there, including the 21 day fix. Read my fixate review here.
21 Day Fix Extreme Release Date
This program was released in February 2014, so it’s already out there for everyone who wants to try it! If this detailed article has you interested, now is the right time to access this impressive diet and fitness program. It’s best to take on this sort of challenge when you’re driven and determined to make strong and positive changes to your lifestyle, with a mind to getting fitter and feeling better.
If you’re low on motivation, this probably isn’t the program for you, as it’s intense and designed for those who are fired up and ready to sweat.
If you are fired up, there’s no better way to change your body, virtually overnight. Just order the program today in order to get the DVD-based workouts and meal plans that you need. Following the program will be simple and straightforward – everything will be mapped out for you, so you can’t fail as long as you follow it to the letter.
You’ll love the workout variety, the expert instruction, the great camera work and the nutritional advice. 21 Day Fix Extreme is perfect for those who want perfect bodies
So why not order it today? You’ll be so glad that you did!
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46 Recipes (Breakfast, Snacks, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert, and Meal Shakes)
All recipes are 21 Day Fix Approved including 21-Day Fix Containers information
Includes Shakeology Alternatives and 6 Meal Shakes recipes
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I bought the 21 day fix and received everything except the yellow ,blue , orange and red containers. I want to get started. How do I get the shakeology?
Hi Janet,
If you’ve bought the 21 day fix Essential Package, like this one, you should have received all the containers.
Shakeology is bought separately, or you can try the shakeology alternatives that I use. Thanks
Megustaria tener 1telefono para mas information y poder comprar sin problema
Hey can’t buy it at Amazon. Telling can’t ship to my address living in New Zealand Auckland. How do I get the 21 extreme fix pack. Thanks mafy
I’m looking for this 21 fit extreme dvd but no luck I leave in South A frica in Johannesburg please any one in South Africa help me I want to buy the Dvd
Can you train for half marathon while doing this program
Hi Amberly,
I’m no doctor and no marathon expert, but if you don’t mind my opinion, I don’t see any problem with it. Get a professional opinion talk with your doctor. Good luck.
Is this good for someone who has been lifting 3-4 times per week for over a year and half, but hate cardio. I am fairly in shape, still have a lot of toning to do and I have stubborn fat areas, plus I don’t eat 100% clean all the time.
I’m pretty slender but haven’t been working out. I really want to make some serious changes though. Do you think I would be okay starting with this one or should start doing 21 Day Fix first?
Hi Amber,
I would say that depends on your motivation. 21 Day Fix Extreme is more intense, but totally doable. If you feel prepared go for it. If you started and you feel is too much, take it more gentle, and then you can always repeat it. That’s my opinion, hope I’ve helped.
what equipment do i need, i e what weights and so on
Hi Susi,
I’ve published an article with all you need to do the program 21 Day Fix . The article is called “How to Get Ready for 21 Day Fix”. Hope you find it helpful. Have a great day.
Is there a version that includes non animal protien?
Is it okay if I didn’t buy the shakeology protein? I have my regular whey protein that I bought before hand and thought I could just substitute it!
Hi Abby,
Thanks for your comment. Sure, you can use it and prepare homemade meal replacement shakes. I’ve shared different recipes here. Enjoy !
Hi I’ve done T25 but I still need to lose more weight. Is this a good program for weight loss or is just mainly for body toning. Thanks. X
Hi Kerry,
This is workout program designed to burn fat and lose weight. Especially because it uses a brilliant nutrition plan. In short, they have created an easy portion control system for a low carb, low sugar, and high protein diet. If you follow the diet and the exercises, you will lose weight for sure. I recommend you to first read about the nutrition plan here and check the recipes here to find out if you like the concept and if you will embrace the idea.