As you may know, 21 Day Fix is a very popular home workout program designed by Autumn Calabrese. So many people have joined 21 Day Fix that it is now the most popular home workout program in the United States.
Why is popular ?
Beachbody, the company behind 21 Day Fix, have created many killer fitness programs but what makes this their biggest success?
21 Day Fix contains good, mixed exercise routines which train all the different muscles of your body without being boring. Each video is around 30 minutes long with plenty of action to keep you motivated and focused on following and enjoying your workout.
But, the best and most impressive feature of 21 Day Fix is the nutrition plan. The diet plan is pure genius and is:
- easy to follow
- makes it easy to know how much you should eat
- makes it easy to know what you should eat
The backbone of the eating plan is the 21 Day Fix containers. They are color coded so there is no need for measuring or using scales. As they say in the plan, “If it fits, you can eat it”.
21 Day Fix Containers – color coded to make losing weight easy
There are seven color-coded containers and one Shakeology Cup. Each color refers to one type of food (protein, carbs, veggies, fruit, healthy fats and dressings).
Based on your target calorie intake, there is a specific number of each container you need to eat per day. You fill each container and that’s it.
- For each container there’s a food approved list. Each food has its own container.
- It’s easy to know how much you can eat
- It’s the perfect way to organize all your meals.
The containers can be bought separately and I recommend 2 different kits, so which one is the best for your needs ? Find my suggestion at “Where to Get the 21 Day Fix Containers ?”.
What do you need before starting 21 Day Fix?
Before starting the 21 Day Fix program, follow these easy steps to ensure you are ready to go the moment your 21 Day Fix pack arrives…
Understand 21 Day Fix Eating Plan
Before starting your 21 Day Fix, it is useful to learn how the eating plan works. You can check my article “21 Day Fix Eating Guide” and calculate your calorie target and to learn what food you can put in each container, how many containers of each color you can have per day, and how to organize your meals
21 Day Fix Approved Recipes
Once you understand how the nutrition plan works, it’s time to get inspired with some tasty recipes.
21 Day Fix approved recipes are made with recommended foods from the 21 Day Fix program and contain information regarding which containers to use.
I’ve shared breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner and desserts recipes that you can find here.
If you would like to get more ideas, you can subscribe to my newsletter and download the exclusive Days to Fitness Recipe Book which contains 46 recipes.

Shakeology Alternatives
21 Day Fix can be used together with meal replacement shakes to improve your weight loss results.
Shakeology is recommended but is not compulsory; it’s up to you if you use it or not.
Should you use or not ? My opinion
Shakeology is a known meal replacement shake powder with high quality ingredients but is also very expensive.
Meal replacement shakes are a very effective way to lose weight. By replacing one meal (or two at the most) per day with a shake, you give your body all the nutrients it needs in a low caloric drink. By lowering your calorie intake, you lose weight.
Personally, I only ever replace breakfast with a meal replacement shake. Learn more about how meal replacement shakes work here.
There are other meal replacement shake powder on the market which are very good value and are from very reputable manufacturers that will deliver the same results as Shakeology, making them perfect Shakeology alternatives.
You can find my top Shakeology alternatives here.
Workout Exercises
21 Day Fix comes with a complete set of workouts that you can follow on your TV screen. You’ll perform seven different exercises per workout, each session being around 30 minutes long. Every day the exercises are different so you never get bored and it’s all planned for you. You just have to follow the program on your TV. More about 21 day fix workouts here.
What do you need to do the workouts ?
First and most important, you need motivation! Never give up and don’t make excuses so you end up missing even one session. Every session is an important step toward a new, slimmer, you!
Two accessories that I recommend you to get
1) Resistance bands
For some of the exercise, using resistance bands will add some extra tension to make you sweat a little more and make your results more impressive. This is the ones I use and recommend, the Black Mountain Resistance Band Set, you can find it at
2) Yoga mat
Basic and handy for every workout you do at home, a yoga mat makes floor exercises more comfortable and that means you have one less excuse for not exercising. Time to get your house ready for some exercise….! The yoga mat I use it’s available on Amazon.
In every personal project, we have goals we want to achieve. On every journey, there are times when things may get tough. That’s when motivation plays an important role.
We all have good and bad days, sometimes we don’t feel like we have the energy to give that extra push to accomplish the tasks we have set for ourselves. This fight is all part of the journey. .
Fight and sweat, smiles and tears, in the end those are the moments that tell the story. No matter how hard or easy the battle, never forget why you started; remember your goals and fight for them!
Don’t give up, don’t look back. Excuses are easy, as too is giving up. But, you won’t get the results you want if you quit. Good results only come from sticking to the plan.
Raise your head, look up to the stars, see your goals and raise your arms in defiant challenge! You’ll do it if you believe it.
Make the changes you want to see happen by changing your actions. Don’t delay – start today.
You can do nothing or you can make the change.
Order 21 Day Fix at

46 Recipes (Breakfast, Snacks, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert, and Meal Shakes)
All recipes are 21 Day Fix Approved including 21-Day Fix Containers information
Includes Shakeology Alternatives and 6 Meal Shakes recipes
One email per week, exclusive content, no ads, and, of course, you can unsubscribe anytime you want.
How do you know what is a carb and what is a fat? Where do i find portions for things that don’t fit into the containers? How do you figure the type of foods and amounts in a casserole or soup?
Hi Anne,
Thanks for your comment. I’ve just update the article “How Portion Control Containers Work” with an image of all the 21 day fix approved foods by colour. You can click on the picture to make it easier to read. Hope it helps. Have a great day.
I just came across your website and I am very happy I did. A woman I work with told me about the 21 day fix and lent me the videos. I have always been keen to exercise, but I could use a meal plan that lays out exactly what to do and when to do it to follow so I don’t get tempted to veer off and eat poorly. I eat whole foods, organic whenever I can and I love to cook, so I just need that nudge in the right direction. I am wondering for someone who just needs the meal plan how you wold suggest I go about the next steps since I have the workouts to borrow. I printed off the workout schedule and the 7 day 21 day fix meals from your site (thank you!!). Is there a set meal plan with recipes and menus I am to follow on the 21 Day Fix – I am just wondering how to go about the meal part since the videos are calling my name. Thank you for any help and direction with this!
P.S. I worked out my calorie target to be 1047 – so I am guessing I follow a 1200 day calorie target and I researched which container and how many of each I should have on a 1200 day calorie target. Do I just fill up the appropriate containers with the appropriate food item and that is it?
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for your comment. Yes, prepare your food (you can find yummy and tasty 21 day fix recipes here) and than fill the containers to know exactly how much you have to eat per meal and per day. Good luck and enjoy.
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for your kind words. Have you checked my article 21 Day Fix Eating Plan ? You’ve all the information about the nutrition plan of 21 day fix and on the page 21 Day Fix Recipes you have tons of 21 day fix approved recipes to help you plan and prepare your meals. Have a great day.
I still am confused. If I follow the 1200 day diet plan, do I fill the containers once and thats all I eat for the day? So, my protein intake is only 3/4 for the entire day? Or am I misunderstanding.
Thanks for all this info – but where do items like Almond Milk and gluten free pretzels go? Do you have a menu for GF?
Hi Lulu,
Thanks for your comment. I’ve just starting to publish gluten-free recipes here. Almost every day I’m sharing a new recipe so stay tuned and subscribe to my newsletter for updates ! Enjoy !
I have tried to get in touch with a coach but its no use! i am starting and have questions – why are some cheeses fat and some protein? whats the deal with choc covered raisins? why is that an approved treat? can mayo b a teaspon instead of oil?
I can’t have sucruolose (Splenda) which is in most of the protein shakes. Sucrolose causes me to have headaches about 8 hours after digesting it. Is there a more natural alternitavive? Such as plain almond milk and fruit? Since the issues I had with sucrulose, I’ve written off mostly all artificial sweeteners. Stevie doesn’t bother me, but I also use that very sparingly.