Before I started 21 Day Fix, my biggest concern was “Does 21 Day Fix really work?“
There’s a general erroneous idea that if you eat less, you’ll lose weight. That’s wrong, not healthy, and you’ll only loose one thing like this; your mind!
The 3 most important steps to lose weight are:
- Healthy meals; nutrition is the most important step for healthy weight loss
- Avoid constant snacking
- Exercise your body
21 Day Fix combines these principles with a genius nutrition plan and motivating workouts.
Healthy Meals – 21 Day Fix Approved Meals
Using only 21 Day Fix-approved food and the 21 Day Fix containers, you’ll have no problem planning healthy and balanced meals that make you feel full while providing all the nutrients you need but without over or under eating.
21 Day Fix Containers are used to separate and measure different types of food. I’ve published an article “Unlocking the Mystery of the 21 Day Fix Containers” where you can learn in detail how this system works.
21 Day Fix-approved meals, made with 21 Day Fix-approved food and measured with the containers, are a healthy and tasty way to have complete meals. You can find my all my recipes here.
Avoid constant snacking – 21 Day Fix Approved Snacks
Snacks are an important part of your diet and in 21 Day Fix, snacks are part of your daily meal plan. Prepare healthy snacks to avoid constant snacking on processed food, which are almost always high in fat and sugar. My favorite 21 Day fix snacks recipes are here.
30-minute workout videos help you to move your body for faster weight loss. Autumn Calabrese has designed programs with lots of different exercises and has a natural way to motivate you. Prepare your workout calendar, get the equipment you need to get better results, and get inspired to start. More in my article “21 Day Fix Workouts”.

46 Recipes (Breakfast, Snacks, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert, and Meal Shakes)
All recipes are 21 Day Fix Approved including 21-Day Fix Containers information
Includes Shakeology Alternatives and 6 Meal Shakes recipes
One email per week, exclusive content, no ads, and, of course, you can unsubscribe anytime you want.
This really doesn’t answer the question “Does this really work?” It just tells us what we already know. Seriously, does it work?
I’m sorry if I haven’t answered what you’re looking for. For me, and a lot of people, have worked and continue to work. What I wanted to explain in the article is Why 21 day Fix works, mainly because they have attacked the real problem – The healthy meals, fight constant snacking with healthy snacks, and exercise. It will work if you follow the plan and create new healthy habits. Hope I’ve helped. Have a good day.
Heathy and I want you help me I want you back to me I want you back to me my heathy
^^^She’s drunk again.
What if you can’t finish the food, what if it’s too much food..
Hi Tracy,
Thanks for your comment. I can only guess, but maybe you can try to recalculate your target calories ? Here I explain the formula. Have a great day
Hi Sarah,
Did you do the 3 day quick fix as well? What about drinking the coconut oil?
Should you just work out 30 minute a day or 60 minutes.. I wanna lose weight but I have heard after 30 your body is just starting to burn fat.