I don’t have kids yet but having spent time with my friends and relative’s kids, I can appreciate that it’s not always easy to get kids to eat healthily.
Kids don’t really understand the concept of healthy eating very well and tend to think about things like taste, texture and, of course, how much a food has been marketed. If they see it advertised on TV, they’ll probably want it – even if it’s really unhealthy.
Food manufacturers know this which is why they market food at kids even though it’s the parents that buy it. They know that if kids ask often enough, the parent will usually give in and buy it for them.
The trouble is, processed junk food that is aimed at kids is so unhealthy that it can literally harm your kids’ wellbeing. From weight gain to diabetes, poor food choices increase the chances that your kid will become an overweight and unhealthy adult. This is both serious and sad.
I do agree that you shouldn’t ban any foods from your kids diet as that can lead to feelings of resentment and could even lead to an eating disorder in later life but I also believe that they shouldn’t be fed lots of junk food simply to pacify or reward them. Kids develop food-related habits pretty early in life and these habits can be hard to break in later life. But, if you start them eating healthily from an early age, they should become healthy eating adults.
So how can you convince your kids to eat healthily – even when they don’t want to? I believe smoothies may be the answer. Check my article “Start your Smoothie Experience”.
Smoothies are fun and interesting and also very healthy. I don’t mean store-bought smoothies loaded with sugar but fruit and vegetable smoothies you make at home. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber but low in sugar and salt, a homemade smoothie is health in liquid form but tastes like a treat so kids love them.
You can blend any number of awesome ingredients to make a smoothie and even “hide” ingredients that your kids don’t like so much in them. For example, very few kids like spinach but if you blend a handful with some pineapple and natural yogurt with a squirt of raw honey, they won’t even realize they are eating greens!
Smoothies make it much easier to get your kids to eat a variety of fruit and veggies and you can even add healthy superfoods to give them an even bigger health boost. They are a great snack and a brilliant breakfast – much better than some sugar-coated cereal that, really, is no better than a candy bar!
They also provide a great opportunity for teaching your kids about the health benefits of fruit and veggies. Tell them that these super ingredients are going to help them grow up big, strong, and healthy. Don’t just tell them though – have a smoothie yourself to show them you believe it too.
You don’t need much to make a smoothie but you will have to get yourself a blender. There are lots of different makes and types to choose from and I have my favorites but you can learn more about different blenders and which one is right for you at “Choosing the Best Blender for Smoothies”.
Not sure what to put in your smoothies? You can’t go wrong with some soft fruits and some natural yogurt or no-added-sugar soya milk but if you want to be more adventurous, check out these amazing recipes for all occasions.
I honestly believe that smoothies can help make it easier to get your kids to eat more healthily and I have yet to meet the child who didn’t like smoothies. Smoothies are quick and easy to make so they are ideal for busy parents but, most importantly, they are health food in disguise. Good nutrition is essential for kids so help them eat more healthily by making them a smoothie.
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