Choosing the time of day
By locking in a time of day for a workout, you will prevent yourself from putting it off and not doing it. Choose a time of day that suits you and put it in your diary as you would with any other appointment. The time of day you go for really is up to you, as research shows that everybody sees different results at different times of the day. The results for you personally may be based on choosing a time that works with your circadian rhythm, so opt for a time when you feel nice and awake.
For night owls, an evening workout may be most beneficial, and is a great way to wind down after work. For others, the early morning provides the best time and is a nice way to start the day. Just choose a time when you feel that you will most enjoy your workout. If you like, you can even try different times of the day for a while before settling on the one that feels best. Working out during your body’s peak period of alertness will provide the best and fastest results in terms of overall fitness and muscle development.
Setting up a routine
Many fitness experts recommend working out regularly for an hour or more, but having days on and days off. This schedule is effective because it provides the body with a chance to adjust to the intensity of working out, and each time you will see more improvement. If you prefer to workout for shorter amounts of time, such as between ten and thirty minutes, it’s best to do this type of exercise every day.
If you feel like mixing it up, many people see great results when they do this. Try a ten minute high intensity workout one day, then thirty minutes to one hour of cycling the second day, and see how your body feels.
Home Workout Routines without equipment:
Choosing a routine that works for you
As mentioned, seeing great results comes down mostly to choosing the right exercises. One of the best ways to choose exercises that will work for you is by using one of the many effective training DVDs. If you have some home gym equipment and aren’t afraid of sweating it up a little, 21 Day Fix is a great example of a workout DVD that will provide fantastic results.
If you want to create your own workout and go without a DVD, make sure you have the discipline to stick to your routine and make it difficult. Creating your own routine can sometimes tempt you to make it easy and stick to exercises you like, but these won’t necessarily provide the results you are looking for.
If you haven’t used a workout DVD before, it’s good to try one just so that you have an idea of the sort of exercises you should be doing, and how many sets of each. These routines have been specifically put together to provide the most effective results, and are worth you looking into.
What you will need
Generally, effective home workouts can be created without the need for expensive equipment. Unless you really want a treadmill or exercise bike, you can usually create a great workout with just a exercise mat,chin-up bar, resistance bands and light dumbbells. If you’re unsure about the best dumbbell weight for you, women tend to use around 10 pounds when working out, and men use between 20 and 30 pounds.
Make sure you find a designated place within your home to keep your exercise equipment. It shouldn’t become too dusty or be in the reach of children or pets in order to prevent damage.
Choosing where to workout
When designating an area of your home for working out in, make sure you have plenty of space and enough room for a chin up bar, and an area where you can stretch out and move around in. It’s also a good idea to ensure that the flooring is secure, because you don’t want to slip and fall while you are you can stretch out and move around in. It’s also a good idea to ensure that the flooring is secure, because you don’t want to slip and fall while you are exercising. Home is not only where the heart is, but it’s also a great place for a workout!
Next: How To Design An Effective Home Workout Routine

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