Along developing or maintaining a stronger body, and the positive changes in appearance those who workout on a regular schedule also report improved moods. Many depending on when they workout also have an easier time keeping to a set- sleeping schedule than those who don’t exercise regularly. The regular workout schedule is also the one more people are able to stick exercise for a number of years. Researchers have discovered working out at least three times a week and having a set time of day to workout is one of the best methods of not procrastinating, or falling out of the habit of meeting regular exercise goals.
Muscles including those in the heart and lungs tend to build faster when there are regular periods of weekly exercise. According to experts the body will go through periods of “healing” muscles used during a workout faster if the individual works out at least three times a week. Shorter workout times work the same way in developing stronger muscles with routines of ten minutes or longer performed once a day. The important factor isn’t necessary the amount of time spent on the exercise per session, but the regularity of the activity and the intensity.
Finding the Best Time
For many people the best time to workout is in the morning. Research has found late night workouts can disturb sleep patterns as it makes it more difficult to fall asleep. Some people also report having trouble sleeping through the night after an intense workout. Early morning workouts give some people an extra boost of energy through the day, but others find themselves more tired. The factor here could be in eating after the workout to replace used up energy sources.
A lunchtime schedule is good for others who either don’t have extra time in the morning, or who don’t feel energized after a morning workout. As long as there is still time to eat after the workout most who select this time enjoy the benefit of returning to the rest of their day having taken a mental as well as physical break from sitting or standing at work or school.
After work or school in the evening is a time some people enjoy working out, as this is a period of the day when they are least rushed, and can take their time to concentrate on a workout. It doesn’t matter in the evening when food is consumed before or after the workout. As long as it will be some hours before sleeping this is among the best time slots as it allows for relaxation and recreation before sleep.
Men and Women
The goals of men and women are usually very different. While both will want to keep their physical fit to avoid heart disease and diabetes, men and women look at their bodies very differently. Men tend to want to take on muscle and reduce areas of fat, while women usually want to have smoother lines and to reduce areas that take on fat such as the waist and abdomen. The workouts they will select are often different as well. Men typically need less variety in workout, while women often find the need to mix aerobic exercises with those geared to strength and tone rather then those exercises to take on more muscle.
Personal Scheduling
Without a set time for a workout it’s easy to miss out on the benefits of exercise. Rolling over and going back to sleep in the morning is a big temptation many can’t seem to overcome. A late meeting or a delayed lunch hour can also get in the way of having regular workouts.
Because with a set program that involves a workout at least three times a week the course of action is to have a firm, but easy to manage schedule. Having a backup time if a session is missed is a way to avoid falling into the bad habit of procrastination or not putting in the hours necessary to see results over time.
Favorite Times
With a list of favorite times in mind it’s possible to devise a personal schedule with backup allotted times to workout. Experts agree having a schedule keeps even those who tend to put off exercise with fewer mental excuses not to take time for a workout.
Next: All you need is ten minutes

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