Are you wanting to change your lifestyle and eat healthier no matter where you are? These work tips are not only great for using during the work week, but you can use them any time you need to be on the go. The first step in ensuring that you make healthier choices when eating healthy at work is to make a meal plan that you can pack the night before. The goal is to stick to your meal plan, get some motivation before, no matter what life throws your way to ensure that you can stick to your goals of eating healthy.
The Meal Plan
Create a meal plan, get ideas from 21 day fix eating guide, at the beginning of each week and even prepack your meals to ensure that you stick to them. For example, if you intend to eat a turkey club for lunch on Monday with carrot and celery sticks, as well as an afternoon snack of fresh fruit, why not pack it at the beginning of the week? Place each part of your meal into Ziploc bags, available at, and place them into paper lunch sacks with the day of the week written on them. Eating healthy at work can be hard if you don’t have a game plan and prepacking your lunch this way not only keeps your ingredients fresh but will allow you to grab them and go before you walk out the door. If you can do this for each day of the week and keep them in your refrigerator, your goals of eating healthy will be a cake walk.
Record Your Progress and Plan Your Day
One of the best ways to ensure you stick to your plan is to record your progress and preplan your day. If you eat lunch at the same time every day, ensure to set an alarm on your phone to remind you to grab your lunch in the morning and another to tell you what you will be eating that day. You can even set alarms for other healthy choices too like snacks and other healthy choices. Once you get home each day, simply record that you ate healthy that day by making a mark on your calendar. This can reinforce your good choices, but don’t forget to record your unhealthy choices to as a reminder that you slipped up and make changes to your day to day schedule to help prevent another slip.
Even though following these work tips for eating healthy may sound ease, there will more than likely be days where you will slip up and grab fast food. It is good to remember that it is okay to cheat once in a while, but remember to make up for it later that day. If you forgot your lunch and grabbed fast food instead, remember to swing into a store and grab some veggies or fruit to snack on in the afternoon or eat an extra serving of veggies at dinner. You can also remind yourself that you cheated earlier in the week and ensure that you stick to your goals for the rest of the week.
Next:During Pregnancy
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