When you consider starting a new overall fitness regime you might not be as concerned by the thought of the workout as you are by the diet. The problem with diets is two fold. First you find yourself needing to exercise more will power, and then you find yourself having to count calories, or stick to one certain boring food. Other diets seem to demand you change your entire perspective and look at food in a totally different way. In looking at the 21 Day Fix the problem of figuring out what to eat is solved even before you leaving home with a group of container you easily fill without much measurement, and without having to go without the types of food you love.
No Food Off Limits
The beauty of this plan is that no food is off limits, and a problem most Americans have, many without even knowing it is solved. The seven containers are color-coded and in different sizes with the goal of helping to keep portions of food at the right level. The colors are easy to learn with green being for vegetables and red for protein for example.
The Chart and the Formula
Instead of having to spend the day mixing, measuring and agonizing over every mouthful all that’s needed with the 21 Day Fix program is the containers ready to be filled with the delicious foods you love. The plan comes with a chart and mathematical equation you can learn quickly to determine how many servings of each of the seven containers you should be eating every day. The reason for the formula is to personalize the diet for you based on height, activity level, and gender. Most people are able to lose up to 15 pounds in just 21 days on this plan.

46 Recipes (Breakfast, Snacks, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert, and Meal Shakes)
All recipes are 21 Day Fix Approved including 21-Day Fix Containers information
Includes Shakeology Alternatives and 6 Meal Shakes recipes
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