Summer is here – yay! The feeling of the sun on your skin is just awesome and that extra vitamin D is always welcome too.
When summer rolls around, I tend not to feel like cooking but I know that if I don’t eat healthily I can soon gain weight and then I won’t want to wear my swimsuit. That’s why I NEVER leave home without a few protein bars with me.
In my opinion, protein bars are the best healthy snack during the summer. Fruit is okay but it lacks protein and protein is a very beneficial nutrient.
So what makes protein bars so hot? Let’s take a look…
Protein bars are filling
Protein bars contain protein (no real surprise there then!), fiber, and healthy fats. This combination of ingredients keeps you feeling fuller for longer and that prevents you from:
a) overeating at meal times
b) eating unhealthy snacks between meals. Find how to “Reduce Cravings Between Meals and Lose Weight”
They are also low in calories too. All in all, protein bars are your friend for faster weight loss.
Protein bars contain important nutrients
Vitamins? Minerals? Probiotics, (“How Probiotics Have Helped Me”) ? Protein bars contain all these nutrients and more. That’s what makes them so healthy. As I said earlier, fruit is fine but it doesn’t contain protein and nor does it contain the same mix of healthy nutrients and probiotics. Snacking on protein bars is a very healthy habit to develop. They taste good too!
Protein bars are convenient
Trying to find a healthy snack when you are out and about can be really hard. Unless you are lucky enough to find a health food store, you’ll probably be confronted with a choice of candy bars, ice cream, cookies, pastries, or something equally unhealthy and fattening.
However, if you have a protein bar with you, you don’t have to rely on what you can buy at the store or pry from the work vending machine!
Keep a protein bar in the glove box of your car, another in your desk or locker at work, and another one in your bag or purse. They’re only small and won’t take up much space but could mean the difference between eating something unhealthy or sticking to your diet.
Protein bars can stop you from constantly snacking
Constant snacking is a real problem for a lot of people – it was for me too! Many snacks are digested almost as soon as you eat them so you need another snack (and then another) to feel full. Needless to say, constant snacking is a sure-fire way to sabotage your weight loss efforts.
Despite being low in calories, protein bars fill you up and keep you that way for several hours and because they are sweet despite being very low in sugar, they help fight junk food cravings. I found protein bars really helpful when I gave up sugar during my 20-No Sugar Days diet and you can learn all about how protein bars can stop cravings here.
Buy or make – it’s up to you!
Protein bars really are the ultimate in healthy, convenient, summer snacks. You can make your own protein bars by following any of these wonderful recipes or you can buy them either individually or in boxes. Not sure which type of protein bar to buy or why some bars are better than others? Don’t worry, I’ve written a guide to help you choose the right bar for you.
Protein bars are one of the best snacks you can reach for – during the summer of any other time too. Make sure you always have a couple of bars close to hand so you can enjoy all the benefits of this healthy and filling snack.
My weight loss plan using Meal Replacement Shakes
15 Meal Replacement Shakes Recipes
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