December is a great month. December the first means Christmas is coming, that the New Year is just around the corner and that it’ll soon be time to spend the holidays with family and friends. I love December, and there are five things you can only really do during this time of the year.
1) Take time off work without feeling guilty
Christmas, and December, in general, is a good time to take time off work. Most people treat Christmas a major holiday, and that means a large percentage of businesses close down for at least a few days during this month. As the saying goes, if you can’t beat them, join them, so why not enjoy some well-deserved time off work too?
Of course, taking a break from work means having more time on your hands than usual. What can you do with that time? How about catching up on your sleep, enjoying a few extra workouts, visiting with family or friends, or just enjoying some extra time away from work. Whatever you do, make sure you enjoy it!
2) Brighten up your house with Christmas decorations
I don’t know about you but, in my house, December the first means it’s time to put up the Christmas decorations. I’ve got all the usual stuff – the tree, tinsel, stars, fairy lights, glitter – and it makes my house look so happy and welcoming.
I know a few people who say they never feel in the mood for Christmas until they visit my house. After that, they have much more holiday spirit.
Get yourself and your family in the mood for a wonderful Christmas by taking the time to put up your Christmas decorations together. You don’t have to go overboard, and a few well-chosen decorations will go a very long way. But, if you want to go nuts, why not decorate the inside AND the outside of your house too!
Christmas decorations ideas at
3) Exchange presents
I can’t decide whether giving or receiving Christmas presents is the best because I really enjoy both. I love to see the reaction of my family and friends when I give them a carefully chosen gift, and I like to see what they have got for me too.
Exchanging presents is a good way to strengthen friendships and relationships, and even small, inexpensive presents, when carefully chosen, can be very rewarding to give and receive.
My favorite present of the last few years? My great waterproof Bluetooth speaker that I use every single day!
4) Be kind to everyone – even strangers
I know; you should be kind to strangers all the time but, in all honesty, it’s just not always that easy! After all, you’re in a rush, they’re in a rush, and you have nothing much in common with them.
However, that all changes during December, and especially as Christmas gets closer. It’s a time for caring, sharing, and spreading the love. Not just to your family and friends, but the people you meet wherever go and whatever you do.
Be kind to everyone you meet during December, and then try and keep that going for the rest of the year. If everyone does this, the world will be a happier place!
5) Get ready for making New Year’s resolutions
As the end of the year closes in, it’s time to start thinking about how you can make next year even better, and that normally involves setting New Year’s resolutions. You might choose to get fit, lose weight, cook more healthy meals, or save money. Whatever your goal, you’ll get better results if you start planning it during December. That way, when January rolls around, you’ll be ready to start the New Year with a bang!
Gift ideas
I have different gift ideas for different budgets here.

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