I would like to share with you something that I’m finding to be a very powerful and uplifting way to start each new day. The latest habit that I’ve added to my mornings – 5 Minutes Morning Gratitude.
In the shower, while I’m enjoying my morning juice, as I look up at the sky, or while I’m doing my morning stretching routine, I focus my mind on the beautiful things I have the pleasure to enjoy.
I take the time to feel and acknowledge the pleasures in life – the things for which I’m truly thankful.
Doing this creates such good energy, and I always end up with a big smiley face! I leave my house feeling happy, and ready to face the new day ahead.
I’m thankful that I can enjoy a hot shower each morning.
I’m thankful to start a new day.
I’m thankful to have fresh, healthy fruit to prepare a delicious juice to drink.
I’m thankful I have two beautiful nieces to love, and that they love me back.
I’m thankful to have a family that loves me.
I’m thankful to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin today; it’s like a nice warm hug.
I’m thankful to smile again.
I’m thankful to see my plants again.
I’m thankful to have a handful of truly good friends.
I’m thankful to have another opportunity today to chase my dreams.
I’m thankful to have another chance to accept the person I am with no judgment and no regrets.
I’m thankful to be able to make others happy.
I’m thankful to know that I have all the tools I need to be happy.
I’m thankful to be healthy and happy, and that I am loved
I’m thankful to have the opportunity to share this beautiful message and my experiences with all of you.
I’m thankful to know that some of you will smile after reading this message.
I’m also very thankful that I ‘m sharing this message with you!
Thank you is the best prayer that anyone can say. I’ve been saying it to myself a lot during the last three months, and today, in writing this email, I realize that I’ve got to say it more often to my friends too.
Feeling gratitude and not expressing is like wrapping a present and not giving it.
William Arthur Ward
Thanks for your trust, and for taking the time to read this message. I hope it fills your heart with love and butterflies because that’s exactly how I’m feeling right now.
Have a beautiful day

My weight loss plan using Meal Replacement Shakes
15 Meal Replacement Shakes Recipes
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