When I first got into slow cooking, I did it because I wanted healthy, easy meals to eat that required very little preparation. If I’m honest, I was after a way to make cooking as simple as possible because I often found myself too busy to find the time to make a healthy dinner. Some nights, after a busy day at work, I ended up grabbing takeouts for dinner.
At first, this was only an occasional occurrence, but then I realized it was happening two or three times a week. Needless to say, this was not good for my bank account or my wallet!
I decided that enough was enough and committed to using my slow cooker more to make healthy, nutritious meals to eat for dinner.
Because I was eating fewer takeouts, I soon noticed I was losing weight and that gave me the idea to search for weight loss slow cooker recipes.
Cooking for weight loss in a slow cooker is easy – just choose lean meats, don’t add very much fat, and pile in the veggies. But, to save you a whole lot of experimentation, here are three of my favorite slow cooker recipes that have helped me lose weight.
This gluten-free, high protein and easy to digest is also so easy to prepare. Healthy meals don’t have to be boring or hard to prepare, can be easy and delicious
Prepare a delicious homemade hot pot with your slow cooker. Easy, tasty and perfect for weight loss goals. Give it a try.
I’m sure you had tried beef stroganoff, but prepared on your slow cooker it’s a totally different experience. Give it a try.