Slow cookers come in a variety of sizes from family-sized 6-quarts down to 2-quarts which are ideal for couples and people living alone.
It’s easy to convert a recipe for a bigger slow cooker to make it work in a smaller slow cooker – just divide the ingredients to fit – but it’s always nice to be able just to follow a recipe specifically designed for smaller quantities.
Living alone or with a partner can sometimes make cooking healthily difficult. Alone, it’s very tempting just to grab a takeout and eat in front of the TV. After all, who else is going to know except you?
And if you have a partner, unless you can both cook, the person who can’t make such nice meals may give up cooking altogether and leave it to the other person, relying on them to make all the food.
With a slow cooker, cooking is so easy that even if you live alone or your partner is a hopeless cook, healthy meals are very easy to make. It is as simple as tossing a few ingredients into the pot, putting on the lid, turning it on, and then leaving it for 4-8 hours while your food cooks. My favorite slow cookers here. If you don’t have and can’t afford one you can learn how to convert slow cooker recipes to the oven on this article.
With no real labor involved and even less in the way of kitchen skills, there is no excuse for not eating healthy, home cooked food.
Here are some of my favorite recipes, specially designed for small slow cookers – specifically, 2-quart size.
Cheap pork cuts are the best for slow cooking. Enjoy this pork belly delicious recipe.
Tender, juicy and tasty lamb prepared on your slow cooker. It’s a delicious meal to enjoy with your friends and family.