Over the last few months, I’ve received a lot of emails and enquiries asking me about gluten and gluten-free recipes. It seems like gluten is a popular subject right now. Gluten is a sticky protein commonly found in wheat and other grains which some people find hard to digest. It’s the stuff that makes bread dough gooey.
For people with a sensitivity, gluten can cause many symptoms including bloating, stomach upset, indigestion, constipation, and diarrhea – none of which are very pleasant.
A large and ever growing percentage of the population is either gluten intolerant or gluten sensitive. Current estimates suggest that about 6% to 7% of the U.S. population may suffered from this problem which means some 20 million people in the United States alone could have the condition. Severe gluten intolerance is called celiac disease which is an autoimmune disease and while similar, is something more severe than just sensitivity to gluten.
Avoiding gluten is not always easy as wheat and grains are commonly added to many processed foods. That’s what inspired me to collect these recipes together. Meat, fruit, and vegetables are all naturally gluten-free but who wants to eat those foods all the time? That’d be pretty boring I should think!
So, to help you eat healthily but also avoid gluten, here are my favorite gluten-free recipes, organized into dinners, main dishes (lunches), desserts, and recipes for kids. My aim is to make it easy for you to find something delicious and gluten free to eat that both you and your family will love.
Gluten-Free Dinner Recipes
After a lot of requests from the readers of Days to Fitness, I realised that an ever-growing number of people are sensitive to gluten or gluten intolerant, so I decided to gather together five of the best dinner recipes I could find. Recipes here
Gluten-Free Meals Recipes
Here are five of my favourite gluten free lunches – though these meals also make great light dinners too, recipes here.
Gluten-Free Dessert Recipes
These desserts are friend, family, and my own personal favorites and each one is so delicious you’ll quickly forget that you are eating something that is free from gluten. Giving up gluten does not have to mean giving up on taste – as these awesome recipes prove!
Gluten-Free Kids Recipes
Educate your kids with healthy food choices preparing delicious home cook meals 100% Gluten Free. It’s fun, healthy and an learning activity to your kids. All gluten-free recipes for kids here.
My weight loss plan using Meal Replacement Shakes
15 Meal Replacement Shakes Recipes
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